IME type, improved design, plated steel with dual scale 0-15 cm x 0.1 mm, and 6 x 1/128 inches, provided with thumb movement for easy motion of jaws, in velvet lined box/plastic case.
KATER'S PENDULAM Stainless steel rod 1200 mm long, l0 mm diam. with one pair each of small & large, light & heavy masses, two steel knife edges in adjustable holders & a metal bracket support drilled for wall mounting.
About 20 cms in dia by 44 mm wide turned and carefully balanced, mounted on a horizontal shaft, held in ball bearings. The wheel is marked and pointer is fixed to the bracket. The bracket has four hol....
Copper calorimeter 75 x 50 mm with felt insulation, outer vessel of 100 x 65 mm size with a plastic lid having holes for thermometer & stirrer. A thermometer holder is fixed to the outer vessel. Complete with stirrer.
To illustrate expansion of metal on heating and contraction on cooling, with steel bar of length 100 x 10 mm and plated brass gauge with a cut-out to just accommodate the bar and two holes through which the bar passes when cold.
Gravesande?s, ring mounted in rod with handle, ball with chain. Cold ball passes through the ring but does not pass when heated the ring & the ball with separate handles.